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I Would Kill For A Body Like Yours – ‘Pieces of Me’ – A Horror Short Review

By February 3, 2022No Comments

What would you do to be a movie star?

This is the question proposed by the short “Pieces of Me” by Julia Max. It is now streaming on Alter’s YouTube channel, and you can also watch it at the end of this article. It might inspire you to get a script ready for the next Killer Shorts Horror Short Screenplay Competition.

The Plot

Natalie is a struggling actress with a dark power. When she eats the body parts of other people, those parts become a part of her own body. At the advice of her agent, she had used this power to get the most attractive aspects of her body. But after a bad audition, her agent tells her that this time the problem is she doesn’t have the emotional depth for the role. And so she pays a visit to the grieving mother of one of her victims, with impure intentions.


Caroline Kaplan as Natalie

This short deals with the standards that Hollywood expects their stars to be. Upon rewatch, lines like “I don’t even recognize myself in the mirror anymore,” take on a whole new meaning, now that we know she means it literally. Even something as small and uncontrollable as eye color can make a difference.

The lead is an interesting character: a woman with powers similar to that of the monster in Jeepers Creepers, and uses that to further her career. She is willing to kill for her acting dreams to come true, and doesn’t even show remorse. She has obtained her body from many different people, like some sort of Frankenstein monster. But while she is definitely not a likable character (she’s not supposed to be), her motives are at least understandable.

This is an interesting concept that is done with a good visual style. The opening sequence has a bright feel despite the gruesome imagery. And a split screen sequence is effective in creating dread for the mother. Overall, this is an effective horror, told from the perspective of the villain.

In Conclusion

“Pieces of Me” is an interesting short about the things one would do for success. Even superhuman cannibals.

Watch it below.

Season 3 announcement dates: Quarterfinalists- February 14th, Semifinalists- February 28th, Top 10 Finalists- March 14th, Top 3 Winners- April 25th

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Jay Slater

Author Jay Slater

A quarterfinalist in the first Killer Shorts competition. Jay Slater has had an interest in film from a young age, and a lifelong interest in horror. He's based in Los Angeles, and is currently aspiring to have a career in the industry, preferably as a screenwriter.

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