We’ve all been in that situation where we’re yelling at our own TVs while watching horror movies, trying to warn the characters about their questionable decisions. “Don’t go in there!,” “Don’t do that!,” “Run!,” “Don’t just stand there!” whatever it may be. Watching horror movies can get intense and some of the characters in these horrific situations often frustrate us with their unique ways of thinking. If you’re submitting to the Killer Shorts Contest, don’t just make your characters dumb for no reason. Flesh them out and make sure their decisions are reasonable or understandable at the very least.
The following are 5 of the dumbest horror movie characters who’ve made really terrible decisions leading to their own, or other’s deaths.

5. Money
Don’t Breathe (2016)
Money willingly and knowingly brings his crew to try and rob the house of a Special Forces veteran, which is dumb to begin with. Just because the man is blind doesn’t mean the heist will go smoothly. Relying solely on the fact that the veteran is blind was a huge mistake that cost him his life.

4. Micah
Paranormal Activity (2007)
Throughout the film, Micah never takes anything seriously. Katie confides in him and tells him she’s been haunted by a demon since she was a little girl. When paranormal events unfold, Micah just makes light of the situation and continuously taunts the demon. Which makes all of us roll our eyes in frustration. That’s the last thing you should do when there are clear signs that something is not right.

3. Darry Jenner
Jeepers Creepers (2001)
After being chased off the road and witnessing this creature throw a human body down a pipe, Darry willingly decides to take the matters into his own hands and investigate the situation. The literal worst thing you could possibly do in that situation. I think if we were in that situation, we would probably get as far away as possible, or call the authorities to make them aware of the situation.

2. Millburn
Prometheus (2012)
For a biologist, Millburn makes the worst decision that he possibly could. After getting lost on a foreign planet, while on a space exploration mission, Millburn discovers an alien creature and decides it would be a good idea to get close to it. Coming across a creature on Earth is one thing, but trying to touch an alien lifeform, that you have absolutely no information on, is obviously not going to end well.

1. Mayor Larry Vaughn
Jaws (1975)
Mayor Larry Vaughn gets our top spot here. Larry is continuously controlled by greed. After clear evidence that a shark is living in the waters, he refuses to believe it and does not listen to a single word from experts. He does little to help and offers no feasible solutions. He clearly does not care about the safety of the people and cares more about the town’s finances.
There are so many more horror movie characters out there who just make the absolute worst decisions that lead to their own or other’s demise, but these 5 stand out the most. Who are some of your favorite dumb horror characters? What would your top 5 list look like?
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