Halbert discovers his wife is cheating on him with one of his colleagues. His chosen profession is…a hitman. When Halbert puts a ruthless plan in place to take advantage of removing his rival while on the job of killing someone else, things take an unexpected turn. This is the devilish premise for author Casey Stegman’s short story, “Easy Peasy” featured in the anthology AT THE EDGE OF DARKNESS published by Shotgun Honey.
It wouldn’t kill you to consider submitting a short story to the Killer Shorts Horror Short Screenplay Competition.
The Plot
The snow is fresh on the ground when Halbert and Ronnie make their way to the abandoned amusement park, Happy Town. The name is ironic because, at that very moment, Halbert is anything but jovial. He’s downright murderous. Not just for the intended target, Milty. He wants revenge on another. As Halbert walks with his killing partner, Ronnie, his plan simmers.
Discovering his wife, Irene, cheated seems to be within Halbert’s ability to ignore if it were a one-time fling. But Irene’s infidelity has lasted more than eight months and counting. Halbert can no longer abide by this betrayal. The problem requires a more permanent solution. The execution of Irene’s lover…Ronnie.
The men access the park and wander amongst the dilapidated buildings and carnival rides toward the target’s location, inside the Welcome Center. They briefly discuss the park’s many uses including Milty’s side business selling exotic animals. They soon settle on a game plan for catching Milty off guard.
Ronnie strolls to the front to create a distraction as Halbert wanders around the side.
Halbert’s rage continues to build and propel him into the icy cold. He savors the thrill of punishing his rival as he skulks along, a .32 tucked inside his coat pocket. Ronnie’s punishment is squarely on his mind until a surprising development occurs. A blue light from overhead illuminates a sprawled body, face down in the snow.
Halbert surmises that the pajama-clad, boot-wearing corpse is Milty. Just as he wraps his mind around what is in front of him, he hears Ronnie through the PA system from above.
Ronnie just threw a spanner work in Halbert’s devious plan.
What Lies Underneath
Betrayal and the inability to cope with rejection are at the heart of this tale. Jealousy can bring out the most vicious emotions in a person. Halbert is not exempt from this human failing. But his intense rage blinded him to accountability…for his affair with Irene’s sister. Halbert focuses so acutely on his version of events that he can’t own his part to play in Irene straying and eventually falling in love with Ronnie. But his murderous scheme is the final straw that will ultimately lead to his downfall.
What Makes It Killer
A dilapidated amusement park is a genius location for an unhinged murder plot. Halbert’s flawed thought process manifests in equally unhinged and hilarious ways throughout the story.
“Easy Peasy” is a character study in a self-centered, egocentric who gets a well-deserved comeuppance.

Short Story Title: “Easy Peasy”
Available in Shotgun Honey Presents: At The Edge of Darkness – All profits from this edition will go to a local Portland, OR charity to benefit foster children.
Publisher: Shotgun Honey
Editors: Keith Rosson and Ron Earl Phillips
Represented by Dr. Uwe Stender at Triada US Literary Agency
Casey’s other short story works include:
“Chet Don’t Learn Too Good” (Mystery Tribune)
“When It Is” (Punk Noir Magazine)
“Sam Pays His Dues” (Dark Yonder)
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