Sometimes all it takes is a memory to unlock something inside of you that was previously dead.
Today, we’ll be talking about the short “We Together” by Henry Kaplan. It is now streaming on Alter’s YouTube channel, and you can also watch it at the end of this article. It might inspire you to get a script ready for the next Killer Shorts Horror Short Screenplay Competition.
The Plot
A group of the undead have gathered around a safe house full of people. However, a radio is accidentally switched on, and a certain song awakens something in one of these zombies. A memory of his life that is strong enough to create changes in him. Changes that might even awaken something in one of his friends.

‘Cause This is Thriller
This short feels a lot like a music video for a dance song. Much of it is stylized footage of dancing, at times switching between past and present. The violence and carnage of the zombies’ attack on the living only exists in the background to the main characters’ dance moves. And the dancing is excellent, obviously done by a professional, or at least someone passionate about dance.
At it’s core, it’s the story of rediscovering oneself. About hearing something that brings you back to a simpler time, and realizing that you are still the same person you were back then. The main characters come back to life both metaphorically and literally. This is all told with style, and it is very entertaining to watch.
And the ending, though a bit of a downer, provides a little dark comic relief.
In Conclusion
“We Together” is an interesting music-video-style zombie film, full of music and dancing. It’s here to make you feel the rhythm.
Watch it below.
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